Sustainable development

Sustainable development is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim at activating governments, private sector companies and the civil-society actor for the well-being of the people, the planet and prosperity. However, the SDGs are highly abstract and there is not enough data ready for use.

DIW Econ has expertise in the development of indicators for sustainability. Only if you can measure a development, you can really understand the facts and aim at controlling the development! Hence, our experts develop indicators – at the country level, the sectoral level or micro level – measuring sustainability.

In the context of the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, the tourism industry is of special significance. Tourism is a social and economic phenomenon which contributes to economic growth, social development and mutual understanding around the world. It has a mostly underestimated impact on the economy, the natural environment, the local population in the places visited and the visitors themselves. It is of vital interest for the sector to sustain the basis of its prosperity – the tourism destinations – in all its dimensions.

DIW Econ experts have comprehensive experience in the economic analysis of the tourism sector and in measuring sustainable tourism. We support governments and private sector firms to develop their strategies and policies for improving their sustainable tourism policies.

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